I feels like the world is falling down on me..

Everything feels sooo sucks.
There are so many think ruin all my plan in 2012.
And i really hate it.

Maybe God want me to talk with him.
Maybe God miss me.
Maybe God want me to share my problem,
so he give me all the sucks thing..

Its okay.. i hope i can fix it all.

geuman marhe geu ipsureul yolgido jone modeun-gol araborin nega wonmangseuropda


gojitmallo domanggago sipjiman noye du nuni ijen an-nyongira mareul hane


gyou garyogo maeumeul jaba gochin pokpungchorom millyowatda machi bitmulchorom jiwojil unmyongigetjiman


kkejin goul wie mejojin inyonboda douk apatgie


i goreum-e kkeuteul boneneun maeumeul non moreugetji


geuman uro geu nunmure jotgido jone modeun-gol araborin nega wonmangseuropda


gojitmallo piheboryo hajiman noye du nuni ijen an-nyongira mareur-hane


gyou garyogo maeumeul jaba gochin pokpungchorom millyowatda machi bitmulchorom jiwojil unmyongigetjiman


tteugopdon sarang yolbyongeur-alko memalla borin ipsul geu wiro


heullonerineun ne nunmur-e e-mireul non moreugetji


do morojiryogo nomu esseujima imi ne momeun jogangna kkejyoboryosso nega wonhetdon dero


nege han goreumdo doneun gakkai gal su obso


gyou garyogo maeumeul jaba gochin pokpungchorom millyowatda machi bitmulchorom jiwojil unmyongigetjiman


kkejin goul wie mejojin inyonboda douk apatgie


i goreum-e kkeuteul boneneun maeumeul non moreugo


tteugopdon sarang yolbyongeul alko memalla borin ipsul geu wiro heullonerineun ne nunmur-e uimireul non moreugetji

===== TRANS =====

Stop talking
I hate myself for knowing everything
Before you even opened your mouth

I wanted to lie and run away but
Your two eyes are telling me goodbye

*I finally set my heart to leave
And it came to me like a harsh storm
It might be a fate that will wash away like the rain
Because it was more painful than a fate shattered like glass
At the end of this walk, I let you know but you wouldn’t know

Stop crying
I hate myself for knowing everything
Before I get wet with your tears

I tried to lie and avoid it but
Your two eyes are telling me goodbye

**I finally set my heart to leave
And it came to me like a harsh storm
It might be a fate that will wash away like the rain
I was sick with a love fever
The meaning of these tears trickling to my dried lips- you’ll never know

Don’t try too hard to get far away
My body has already broken into pieces just like you wanted
I can’t go a step closer to you

*I finally set my heart to leave
And it came to me like a harsh storm
It might be a fate that will wash away like the rain
Because it was more painful than a fate shattered like glass
At the end of this walk, I let you know but you wouldn’t know

I was sick with a love fever
The meaning of these tears trickling to my dried lips- you’ll never know

I heard
That you're settled down
That you
Found a girl
And you're
Married now

I heard
That your dreams came true.
Guess she gave you things
I didn't give to you

Old friend
Why are you so shy?
Ain't like you to hold back
Or hide from the light

I hate to turn up out of the blue uninvited
But I couldn't stay away, I couldn't fight it.
I had hoped you'd see my face and that you'd be reminded
That for me it isn't over

Never mind
I'll find someone like you
I wish nothing but the best for you too
"Don't forget me," I begged
"I'll remember," you said
"Sometimes it lasts in love
But sometimes it hurts instead."
Sometimes it lasts in love
But sometimes it hurts instead,

You know how the time flies
Only yesterday
It was the time of our lives
We were born and raised
In a summer haze
Bound by the surprise
Of our glory days

I hate to turn up out of the blue uninvited
But I couldn't stay away, I couldn't fight it.
I had hoped you'd see my face and that you'd be reminded
That for me it isn't over.

Never mind
I'll find someone like you
I wish nothing but the best for you too
"Don't forget me," I begged
"I'll remember," you said
"Sometimes it lasts in love
But sometimes it hurts instead."

Nothing compares
No worries or cares
Regrets and mistakes
They are memories made.
Who would have known
How bittersweet this would taste?

Never mind
I'll find someone like you
I wish nothing but the best for you too
"Don't forget me," I begged
"I'll remember," you said
"Sometimes it lasts in love
But sometimes it hurts instead"

Never mind
I'll find someone like you
I wish nothing but the best for you too
"Don't forget me," I begged
"I'll remember," you said
"Sometimes it lasts in love
But sometimes it hurts instead"

Sometimes it lasts in love
But sometimes it hurts instead


Tau kan kemaren2 gw lagi ribet sama trip-melarat-singapore gw?
hahaha. Udah 2 kali gw ke negara singa ini selalu ngandelin diri gw sendiri.
Gw ga mau pake agen travel dsb dsb. Kalo menurut orang-orang, ngurusin sendiri itu ribet dan lebih praktis pake agen travel itu lebih simpel... gw sangat setuju! :D

Ngurusin trip sendiri tanpa travel itu emang ribet,rempong dan harus teliti.
Tapi, gw lebih suka ngurusin sendiri karena ada tantangan nya dan lebih PUAS!! :D

Nah.. kalau mau travelling itu,step pertama yang di lakukan adalah,
HUNTING TIKET MURAH. Ini penting banget loh ya. Salah satu maskapai yang sering kasih promo tiket murah itu tidak lain dan tidak bukan adalah "Air Asia" ahaha.. walaupun kena tax dan fee segala macem, Air Asia aku padamu lah <3 muehehe

Biasanya AA itu ngadain tiket promo jauh sebelum bulan keberangkatan.
Misalnya, pergi di bulan mei, tiket sudah dijual dari bulan januari.
Pengalaman gw waktu ke jogja desember 2011 kemaren, tiket udah dibeli dari sekitar bulan april. Dan itu total untuk 4 orang PP sekitar 1jutaan :D
Beda lagi sama pengalaman gw yang mau ke spore sabtu ini ( 18 Febuari 2011 ) dan baru beli tiket januari kemaren. Gw kena PP 1.1juta -_____-" dan yang bikin JLEB lagi, pas pagi nya gw udah confirm payment, malem nya itu AA keluar tiket promo PP 800ribu.

Air Asia ini walaupun tiket di awal nya murah, tapi tetep aja harga di akhir jauh sama harga promo yang dicantumin di awal :))
Karena kita akan dikenakan biaya asuransi,kesehatan,dan pick a seat.
Pick a seat ini,kalau kita mau pilih nomer seating kita selama di pesawat.
Untung regular seat kita dikenakan biaya Rp 18.000 dan untuk hot seat kita dikenakan biaya
Rp 85.000. Nah, up to you deh mau pilih seat yang mana. Perbedaan nya, yang hot seat itu terletak di depan dan lebih luas.

Setelah masalah pesawat selesai, next masalah penginapan.
Ini nih yang kemaren gw rempong se rempong rempong nya rempong.
Karena taun lalu gw nginep di apartemen om nya vivi, jadi gw ga ada pengalaman dalam booking-mem booking penginapan.
Tapi gw tetep ga mau andelin agen travel hahaha >:D

Searching sana sini,gw nemuin website bagus untuk booking hostel.
Url nya www.hostels.com :)
Honestly, gw andelin website ini untuk liat list-list hostel dan review nya aja.
Gw prefer booking hostel dengan cara :

1. Buka Official Web nya
2. Booking online lewat Web nya

Kenapa gw lebih suka cara seperti itu? Karena harga nya pasti lebih murah dan kita tidak akan terkena cas.
Cas apa? Cas dari website tersebut.
Kalau kita booking dari website seperti agoda,dan web booking2 hostel/hotel lain nya pasti akan terkena cas sekian ratus ribu rupiah. Gw gatau sih tepat nya berapa. Tapi setau gw,sekitar 100-200 ribu deh. Kan lumayan ye kaaan duit segitu bisa buat belanja oleh-oleh ahaha.

Intinya, kalau mau travelling ke suatu kota atau negara itu lebih enak ngurus ini-itu sendiri.
Disamping lebih murah, kita juga tambah ilmu dan wawasan :D


-Kopi pertama pagi ini. Dingin dan hambar. Seperti tanpa kasih sayang, di hari
kasih sayang.

-Kopi pertama pagi ini. Dingin. Seperti ditinggalkan orang yg tepat, karena sibuk mencoba yg lain di saat bersamaan.

-Kopi pertama pagi ini. Luber. Seperti cinta yg datang di hati yg tidak terlalu lapang.

-Kopi pertama pagi ini. Manis setelah diaduk. Seperti cinta yg tersembunyi, di orang yg tidak pernah disangka2.

-Kopi pertama pagi ini. Pahit, tertutup manis. Seperti dua orang yg terlalu cinta, lalu saling mengucap janji yg tak mungkin terpenuhi.

-Kopi pertama pagi ini. Tumpah. Seperti rindu yang terlalu rewel

-Kopi pertama pagi ini. Manis, tertutup pahit. Seperti dua orang yg berpura2 tidak saling cinta, karena bosan kecewa.

-Kopi pertama pagi ini. Manis di awal, lalu pahit hingga habis. Seperti seseorang yg dibuat jatuh cinta, lalu tiba2 ditinggalkan.

-Kopi pertama pagi ini. Manis, terlalu cepat dingin. Seperti dua orang yg mulai saling kenal, lalu salah satu mundur di tengah jalan.

-Kopi pertama pagi ini. Pahit, tanpa rasa lain. Seperti seseorang yg menghabiskan masa mudanya mencintai orang yg salah.

-Kopi pertama pagi ini. Manis, harum, senyap. Seperti dua orang yg saling menunggu kata cinta, tapi tidak ada yg berani mengucapkan.

-Kopi pertama pagi ini. Pahit, hambar, penuh ampas. Seperti pasangan yg sudah tdk cocok tp memaksa untuk cocok, karena takut sendirian lagi.

-Kopi pertama pagi ini. Manis, hangat, pekat. Seperti dua orang yg garis hidupnya bersinggungan, oleh sebuah kebetulan.

-Kopi pertama pagi ini. Hitam, pahit, dan penuh ampas. Seperti penolakan yg tidak tega untuk disampaikan.

-Kopi pertama pagi ini. Hitam, senyap, tak bersisa. Seperti cahaya terakhir dari sebuah supernova.

-Kopi pertama pagi ini. Hangat, pekat, tenang. Seperti dua orang kesepian yg saling meramaikan.

-Kopi pertama pagi ini. Pahit, gelap, pekat. Seperti dosa yg ditutupi dengan rapi.

-Kopi pertama hari ini. Manis, membekas, bikin deg2an. Seperti dua orang yg saling menemukan, satu sama lain.

-Kopi pertama pagi ini. Manis, kental, dan harum. Seperti rindu yg tidak kunjung selesai.

-Kopi pertama hari ini. Pahit, gelap, dan terpendam. Seperti sepasang kekasih yg sudah lama saling bosan.

-Kopi pertama hari ini. Pahit, gelap, dan harum. Seperti rasa penasaran yg terlalu cepat selesai

-Kopi pertama hari ini. Pahit, gelap, dan harum. Seperti kenangan lama yg tak sengaja mampir.

-Kopi pertama pagi ini. Manis, walaupun diminum terlalu siang. Seperti cinta yg menunggu waktu yg tepat.


My love everytime I'm thinking about you
My life is you. I miss you
I believe my dream will come true

Geudaewa isseul ttaen nae ma-eumkkaji da deulkyeobeorigo maneunji
geo-ure bichin nae moseubeul bomyeon nae ma-eumi da boyeo

Bogoshipttaneun nae ane yaegiga teongmitkkaji na-oryeohago
chamaboryeogo jamshi saenggakhamyeon nan eoneusae marangeol

I wanna hold your hands
(everytime I'm thinking about you)
I wanna kiss to your lips (nae ma-eum gadeukhi)
I wanna fall in love with you
It must be beautiful lovely day

Saranghandaneun yaegineun jeoldaero seodureumyeon an dweneungeoji
nae mami gabyeopkke bo-iji ankil weonhaedo nan eoneusae

I wanna hold your hands
(everytime I'm thinking about you)
I wanna kiss to your lips (Let me love you baby)
I wanna fall in love with you
It must be beautiful lovely day

Nae sarang geudaereul wihaeseo sesang eodirado
naega hamkke hal su itttamyeon
my love for you my everything
geudaemaneul wihae

Geudae nunbicheun eonjena nareul bureuji
michiji haengbogi neukkyeojineun kkumman gateun geunyeo
na jamjari-e geudae moseup geuryeo neoreul neukkyeo
ijeneun naemam geudae-ege jeonhaejigil barae
nae bore seuchineun baramgyeote
na ttodashi mudeuk geudaereul tteo-ollijyo
geudae-ui gyeote keodaran namuga dwe-eo
haneul arae maju anja geudaereul jikilgeyo
nareul mideojweoyo

I wanna hold your hands
(I wanna hold your hands)
I wanna kiss to your lips
(I wanna kiss to your lips)
I wanna fall in love with you
it must be beautiful lovely day
it must be beautiful lovely day

My love, everytime I'm thinking about you
My life is yours. I miss you
I believe my dream will come true

When I'm with you, my feelings are always visible
If I look into a mirror, I can see exactly how I'm feelings

The words, "I miss you" coming right off my tongue
I try to hold them in, but I let them out unconsciously

I wanna hold your hands
(Everytime I'm thinking about you)
I wanna kiss to your lips (whole heartedly)
I wanna fall in love with you
It must be beautiful lovely day

I shouldn't hurry the words, "I love you"
I don't want my love to seem light

I wanna hold your hands
(Everytime I'm thinking about you)
I wanna kiss to your lips (whole heartedly)
I wanna fall in love with you
It must be beautiful lovely day

Anywhere on this earth, my love will be yours
If I could only be with you, then
My love for you, my everything
Would be for you

Your eyes always seem to call me
It's like a dream, the way she makes me insanely happy
Lying down, I can imagine her figure
I want to send my feelings to you
When the wind brushes against my cheek
I suddenly think of you
I want to be a large tree that stays by your side
To watch over you under the skies
Please believe in me

I wanna hold your hands
(I wanna hold your hands)
I wanna kiss to your lips
(I wanna kiss to your lips)
I wanna fall in love with you
it must be beautiful lovely day
it must be beautiful lovely day

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