Semua orang juga tau kalo gw nge fans ( atau bahkan tergila-gila ) banget ama Suju.

Ada berbagai respon tentang ke fanatikan gw tentang Suju.
Ada yang biasa aja, ada yang risih dan nyindir2 + komen2 negatif bahkan ngga sedikit ada yang ikutan suka juga haha :D

Kalo misalnya ditanya,
"Kenapa sih lo bisa nge fans sampe sebegitu nya sama suju?"
Gw bisa jawab apa ya?
Emang ada yang bisa ya menggambarkan isi hati? :)
Mungkin saking suka nya gw ama suju gw ampe ngga bisa deskripsiin kayak apa perasaan gw ke suju :)

Asal mula kesukaan gw ama suju itu di taun 2010 pas gw masih kuliah di bandung, temen gw dhimek nunjukin gw MV ( video klip ) suju yang sorry-sorry.
Awalnya respon gw biasa aja. Sempet sih tanya-tanya itu siapa, kenapa band member nya banyak banget dan mereka keren nya apa sih?
Temen gw itu juga ngga bisa jawab. Cuma bilang "aduh gw ngga bisa jelasin deh mereka keren nya kayak apa. Yang pasti lo tonton dan ikutin aja semua tentang mereka baru lo bisa tau mereka kayak apa"
Oke. Dan gw mulai ikutin apa kata dia. MV SJ yg gw tonton itu sorry-sorry & its you.
Dari MV itu juga gw lama-lama tau nama masing2 member.
Dan respon pertama gw, Okay, mereka keren. Trus? apalagi? apalagi yang spesial?

Lalu semua pemikiran gw berubah total sejak gw nonton Super Junior Full House.
Ini reality show tentang Suju dan 2 foreigner yang sekolah di seoul. Namanya Anya dan Eva.
Jadi Anya dan Eva ini tinggal di dorm SJ dan mereka ngelakuin aktivitas bareng2.
Dari masak, games, belajar bahasa inggris, camping dll.
Dan.. Oh My God,
gw baru tau ada sekelompok manusia yang bener-bener adorable, cakep, lucu, polos, apa adanya,seru dsb dsb ( i cant describe it anymore ) di suju...

Sejak saat itu gw mulai ngukutin semua yang berhubungan tentang suju.
Meskipun mereka udah debut dari taun 2005 dan gw baru jadi fans mereka di taun 2010, gw pikir itu ngga masalah :).

Gw mulai aktif di twitter. Ikutin semua aktivitas mereka, mengenal sifat mereka satu-persatu,
dan the best part its, gw nemuin keluarga baru gw, ELF ( Super Junior Fansclub ).

- Gw akan nge post tentang ELF di next post ;))) biar lebih special aja gituuu :p -

Dari suju, gw belajar buat ngga gampang menyerah dalam dapetin apa yang gw mau.
Dari suju, gw belajar gimana caranya bikin orang seneng.
Dari suju, gw belajar apa arti setia kawan.
Dari suju, gw belajar apa arti perjuangan.
Dari suju, gw belajar untuk terus bekerja dan bekerja tanpa kenal lelah

Berlebihan? okay tapi ini fakta. gimana dong? 24/7 memonitor kehidupa mereka ngebuat gw ter motivasi. Gw mau seperti mereka. Gw mau seperti mereka yang meniti karir dari bener-bener 0 ampe bisa seperti sekarang.

Suju itu masuk training agency mereka dari mereka kecil. Mereka dilatih dance, nyanyi, cara bersikap di depan orang, acting, mimik muka dll selama bertahun-tahun dan setelah mereka siap, barulah mereka di debut kan menjadi artis. Dan perjuangan itu ngga gampang.
Dan Suju itu awalnya adalah "Grup Percobaan" bukan yang bener-bener serius didebutin. Dengan arti kata lain, grup ini sukses alhamdulillah, ngga sukses ya ditarik lagi dari peredaran.
Tapi mereka bisa buktiin kalo sekarang mereka bisa sukses banget sampe terkenal ke luar negeri.

Dan yang bikin gw salut, walaupun mereka udah terkenal mendunia, sifat mereka ngga berubah. Mereka tetap suju yang dulu. suju yang polos, kayak anak kecil. Sama sekali ngga sombong.

Sekarang mereka udah mulai menua. Umur mereka udah di atas 25 taun. Masa dimana mereka harus sudah cari pasangan hidup, membina rumah tangga.
Yah... pasti suatu saat nanti ada masa di mana mereka berenti dari dunia artis :)

Seperti juga gw, ada masa di mana gw ngga akan aktif 24 jam jadi seorang fangirl.
But they will stay forever in my heart as the best memories in my life :)
Someday,i will tell to my children and grandchildren about you.. about 13 man who change my life into a good way :) who give me a lot of motivation. who bring me a tears and laugh..
I love you Super Junior. I love you and i always do..

"I don't have a type. If I like you, I like you."

Salah satu tweet dari twitter account @WalkTwoRemember :)
Simple.. but meaningful :)

Pernah nggak sih ngerasa kalau kita pernah meng claim diri kita suka ama orang yang ( misal ) : " Putih, Chubby, Tinggi" tapi tiba-tiba ada saat di mana kita malah suka ama orang yang berbeda banget ama tipe yang dulu pernah kita sebutin.
Kalo kejadiannya udah kayak gini, keluar deh kalimat "gw gatau kenapa bisa suka ama dia. dia tuh bukan tipe gw banget. tapi gw suka banget ama dia"

Jadi sebenernya tipe orang yang kita suka itu muncul dari otak kita. Otak kita berfikir, kira-kira orang kayak apa ya yang cocok buat jadi pacar kita? Otak kita terus nyari sosok-sosok yang dirasa sempurna buat jadi pacar kita. Tapi kadang kita lupa, kalo cinta itu ngga dateng dari otak :) cinta itu dateng dari hati. Semua teori-teori yang dikeluarin dari otak kita ngga sinkron sama apa kata hati kita.

Nah kalo udah kayak gini lebih menangin hati atau otak hayooo? ;)
Yah walaupun isi hati ama isi otak yang sebelum nya berbeda, tapi itu orang baik sih ngga masalah hehe :D

2012 will end soon and i need to make a new target for 2013.

I have soooo many plan in my head. I dont know if i can make it come true or not but at least i try :)

- November 2012 : entering university, S1 Program take english literature
Let me see...
When will i finish the conversation class in LIA?
I will takes a test for next level on september, which mean, level 4.
and then i will takes level 4 for 3 months. means, i will finish level 4 on december.
so there are still 2 level left. 2 level = 6 months again.
if i finish the level 4 on december, then i will starts level 5 on january.
level 5 end on march and level 6 starts on april and will end on may.

and i remember i have a plan to go to holiday around july-august.

i want take some language course again....but confuse between korean, mandarin or japan?
i want go to korean because i loveeee that country so mucccchhh.
but seems like mandarin is more potential than the others.
still cant decide it yet. let me think about it again~~~

------------ ALREADY IN THE MIDDLE OF THE YEAR ----------------

2014 will coming soon...
my biggest target,
i want get a scholarship or summer school is okay too.

The point is, in 2013 i want prepare ANYTHING. ANYTHING for my dream.
and in 2014 i will make it come true one by one.
I know it will so hard..
beside, i will cheating from my web-design-identity lol.
but, who cares?
i know what i want :)


Oke, Ini gw super ketinggalan jaman banget. Baru tau kalo Samsung punya produk se tipe2 iPod touch.

Baru-baru ini Samsung ngeluarin tipe produk baru dari Samsung Galaxy Player, nama nya Samsung Galaxy Player 5.8 =

Pikiran pertama yang kelintas pas ngeliat pict nya = " Samsung bener2 mau ngalahin apple di berbagai aspek hahaha".
Ukuran layar nya 5.8 inch, lebih besar 0.5 inch dari Galaxy Note ( layar GaNote 5.3 inch ).
Jenis layar nya LCD, berarti masih menang Samsung Galaxy S3 dari segi layar karena layar Galaxy S3 sudah berjenis amoled.
Sayaanggg banget sih, di layar sebesar ini tapi ngga amoled :(
Sistem operasi nya Android Ice Cream 4.0, slot memory card nya 16GB dan 32GB dan disediakan 2 pilihan jenis warna, black and white :)

Belom tau mengenai harga tapi gadget ini bakal jadi pesaing iPad mini yang bakal diluncurin bulan oktober nih kayaknyaaa :p

  • you are my second air..without you i cant breathe properly..but still.. you just an i cant touch you and i cant reach you.
  • you know drugs? can make you addicted.. can give you a happiness more than you think..but remember..too much drugs will kill you slowly. and you. you are my favourite drugs..이동해
  • like a sunflower and the sun, i keep following you and watching you from below but still...we are in a different place..
  • you know? the sun will envy you because you are shinning more brighter..or maybe even the star will envy you? because you are sparkling more beautiful...

yaaayyyy finally new gadget! ahahaha.
Akhirnya setelah "pergulatan batin" yang panjang i decided to bought this XD
Sebenernya sih mau tahan-tahan diri supaya bisa kebeli Galaxy Note.
Tapi apa daya... mau ditahan2 and nabung ampe kapan supaya bisa kebeli Galaxy Note

Hampiiiirrrr aja beli LG Optimus. Untung gw research sana-sini dulu ampe liat preview2 video di youtube supaya ga nyesel di kemudian hari =__=

Tadinya ada beberapa kandidat.
1. LG Optimus Black
2. Samsung Galaxy Ace 2
3. Samsung Galaxy Advance
tapi berhubung dana terbatas yaaa.. jadilah kebeli nya Samsung Galaxy Ace Plus.

Android Gingerbread versi 2.3, 1Ghz Processor, Memory Internal 1GB, RAM 512 MB, Memory External Up To 32GB ( kalo ngga salah :D )

Lumayan sih... cukup sih buat gw. Gw coba install game "berat" semacam Temple Run juga muluusssss di running nya.
Tapi cuma 1 nih kekurangan nya.. NO SECONDARY CAMERA.
aargghhhhhh ><
Kalau mau yang ada seconday camera tapi dengan harga ngga jauh dari ini sih, bisa beli Samsung Galaxy W.
Tapi..... bokap gw udah pake itu. Gengsi kalo samaan LOL

Satu lagi yang gw suka adalah, ada white version!
i dont know but for me, gadget with white color looks more elegant than the black one !! :)

And then hmm what else?
Ohh!! design body nya hampir sama kayak iPhone!! ahahahaa
yaa 90% lahhh mirip.
Tapi kalo soal preference di dalem nya sih, tetep Apple juara nya :p

I bought it with no regret lahhh...
sekali-kali beli barang buat pribadi.
jangan buat suju mulu ROFL XDDDD

And now i'm waiting for the New iPad Mini !!! :D
Semoga ada rejeki nya dan bisa kebeli !! :)

"Its always hard to wake up early but I keep thinking about how they ( super junior ) always sleep more late and wake up earlier than me.."

yes its true :)

sometimes i feels bored and give up with my job but when i remember about how suju can survive in their job in almost 7 years...
.... thinking about it can raise my spirit^^ ;;;

They are one of my motivation. One of the reason why i'm work hard. One of the Reason why i never give up to reach my dream.


"S1 itu ngga penting. Yang penting itu kerja. Kuliah lama-lama di universitas bagus kalau ujung nya ngga kerja sama aja boong. Percuma"

Yap. itu pemikiran gw 1 tahun yang lalu.
Pemikiran bodoh.
Dan sampe sekarang gw ga berenti mengutuk diri gw sendiri kenapa gw punya pemikiran seperti itu..

Mungkin dari luar keliatannya emang lebih asik kerja daripada kuliah.
Secara kan, lo ngga usah pusing-pusing berkutat dengan tugas, dosen yang nyebelin dan segala macem tetek bengek kampus itu.
Dan kalo lo kerja juga ngga akan 8-9 jam itu lo kerja. Pasti ada 1-2 jam dimana lo akan nyantai. Kalau kuliah? ampe tengah malem pun mungkin lo masih pusing dengan tugas-tugas kuliah. udah gitu, NGGA DIGAJI PULA. Nah itu dulu salah satu alasan yang bikin gw ngga lansung nerusin s1 dan memilih untuk lansung nyari kerja.

Okay, 1 tahun pertama gw mulai ngerasain enaknya kerja. Gw mau apa-apa ngga perlu minta sama orang tua. Super enak deh pokoknya :p
Nah memasuki tahun kedua, gw mulai mulai ngeliat kenyataan..
Temen-temen gw yang sibuk kuliah ngejar S1 nya. Dan gw punya beberapa temen yang udah lulus S1 dan lagi ngejar beasiswa ke luar negeri. Dan ada juga temen gw yang udah lulus S1 dan sekarang udah kerja enak jadi PNS.

Gw mulai ngaca.

"Hey, how about you?
Yes you are working.But.. ONLY WORKING. Is there any something special with your career?
You only spent your salary, working again, spent it again.
Just like that. In one year."

Perlahan2 gw mulai ninggalin ego dan pemikiran keras kepala gw.
Mulai mikir pelan-pelan.
Iya kerja itu enak. Tapi ngga boleh cuma "sekedar kerja"
jadi pedagang di pasar juga kerja. jadi pengamen juga kerja.
Tapi apa mau stuck di situ aja?
Apa ngga mau berkembang?

S1 itu penting. Pendidikan tertulis itu penting. Walaupun bagi sebagian orang cuma dianggap ijazah basa-basi tapi tetep penting.
Se ngga nya ada yang bisa dibanggakan pas lagi kumpul keluarga.
Seneng kok kalo orang-orang komen,
"Ohh..anak nya pak **** enak yaaa udah kerja. udah bisa cari uang sendiri"
tapi akan lebih bangga kalo ada komen lagi seperti,
"waahh hebat yaa udah kerja, tapi masih semangat ngejar pendidikan"
self esteem itu penting :) hehehe

Karena pemikiran-pemikiran itu lah,
gw coba buat membangun niat gw lagi untuk lanjutin kuliah di-bidang-yang-beda-dari-kerjaan-gw-dengan-alasan-tertentu. :D

I know i'm late, but at least, i try :)

Sabtu kemarin gw pertama kali ikut conversation class di LIA.

Sebenernya conversation class ini di luar rencana sih. Rencana awal kan gw pengen ikut les bahasa korea di KCCI. Tapi berhubung september nanti gw masuk kuliah sastra inggris ( cieeeehh anak sastra cieeehhhh ), jadi gw pikir, conversation class ini jauh lebih penting.

Sebelum nya gw harus di tes dulu, jadi hasil tes nya nanti yang menentukan gw masuk level mana. Oh iya, tante gw juga ikut CV class ini loh. Karena ajakan dia juga sih gw tertarik ikut hehehe.

Test nya simple, yahh 80% gw bisa lah.. *sombong* XD
Gw yakin pasti kesalahan gw paling banyak di grammar.
Iya, bertaun2 belajar english ntah kenapa kemampuan grammar gw lemah banget u__u.
Terus dari hasil test nya gw masuk ke CV tingkat 3.
Not bad lah... Range nya dari CV 1 - CV 6. hehehe

Pas pertama kali ikut kelas nya gw super deg deg an hahahhaha XD
padahal guru nya orang indonesia. Apa kabar kalo les di EF / Wallstreet yang guru nya bule -__-
1 kelas itu harus nya 5 orang. Tapi kemaren yang dateng cuma 3 orang ( termasuk gw ).
Jadinya ada 2 cewe dan 1 cewe di kelas gw yang kemaren.

Sumpah pas awal2 gw tegang banget hahahaha.
Gw english lumayan sih kalo di writing ama reading, tapi kalo speaking yaa aiueo banget XD
Trus logat british itu kan rada awkward kalo ngga biasa di praktekin :p

Tapi alhamdulillah sih guru nya enak, dalam satu hari itu, pertama kali belajar grammar past tense dan past perfect tense.
Trus kita juga praktek conversation. Ada sekitar 5 situasi yang dibikin dialog.
Untuk permulaan sih lumayan. Meskipun kebanyakan ketawa2 karena di tengah2 stuck bengong mau ngomong apaan hahaha

Oh iya, temen gw di kelas ini orang pinter .____.
dia S2 UGM jurusan Sastra Indonesia. PNS juga !! ><
Bikin minder + envy deh ahaha.

Intinya gw yakin conversation class ini bakalan fun banget kedepan nya :D
Sekarang jadi ada alasan deh buat nikmatin weekend :)


Do you know that i have complicated feelings now?
First of all i wanna tell to the world that i already decided something...
This is my bigget decision and i have a big responsibility with this decision....
what is that?
i decided to MOVE OUT from IT world and take a english literature.
That's crazy enough.. i mean, hey i'm 21 years old now. And i just want to starts it.
lol when my friends already graduated from their university and me? just want to starts it.

Is it too late? i dont know.. i cant answer it now..
i received sooo many comments from my family and friends about my new decision.
some of them support me and some of them underestimate me. hahaha its okay.
people always have different opinion :)

all i want to say now is,
maybe now you can underestimate me but someday i will, yes I WILL slap your face with ur words.



Jadi ceritanya hari minggu kemaren bokap ngajakin jalan-jalan ke tempat yang namanya "Setu Babakan". Doi sih udah yakin banget abis googling tentang tempat itu dan result nya tempat itu ada rumah-rumah khas betawi dan ada danau nya. View nya pokoknya bagus + kuliner yang ada disitu khas betawi banget.

Kebetulan kemaren ngajak temen bokap 1 orang, dan dia juga bilang kalo tempat nya oke banget ( even dia belom pernah ke sana, dan dia bisa bilang oke banget karena liat di TV ) PLUS nyokap gw juga bilang kalo dia pernah liat di TV dan tempat nya bagus.

So, dengan hasil google result bokap dan opini temen bokap + nyokap gw akhirnya cusss deh tuh kemaren minggu siang ke sana.
Kita berangkat abis zuhur, which is matahari bener2 di atas kepala banget dan zuper panaz ~___~.
Di tengah-tengah perjalanan nyokap bilang, "saya liat loh di t***s tv, ada liputan kuliner nya macem-macem. dan yang jadi ciri khas itu es selendang mayang nya" temen bokap nimpalin "kayak apa tuh bu es selendang mayang?" nyokap jawab "itu pak, es dipakein santan trus dikasih sirop merah..segeerrr banget deh. trus lontong sayur nya juga enak"
Dalam hati gw "yakin nihhh.. baru liat di tv kan,jangan ber ekspetasi yang berlebihan dulu deh.." tapi cuma dalem hati .. =))

Setu Babakan itu letaknya di daerah Jagakarsa Pasar Minggu.. Tapi bukan di tengah-tengah kota nya, di pinggiran2 nya. Gw ampe heran ada lokasi kayak gini di Pasar Minggu. Karena keliatan nya itu kayak Depok. Bukan di Jakarta. Ternyata bener, Setu Babakan tu terletak di perbatasan Jakarta - Depok, jadi dari situ bisa lansung tembus2 Sawangan.

Setelah ngelewatin beberapa pertigaan sana-sini, sampe juga tuh di gerbang Setu Babakan.
Pintu Gerbang nya berupa gapura gitu. Dan ada tulisannya "Pintu Gerbang 1 Setu Babakan"
Banyak banget mobil dan orang2 yang masuk. Trus para penjaga nya pake seragam betawi ala si pitung gitu. Begitu ngeliat suasana luar nya, ekspetasi pertama gw udah bagus. Wahh kayaknya bener2 cagar budaya nih.
Lewat beberapa meter dari pintu gerbang banyak orang-orang yang parkir mobil nya dan mereka jalan. Maybe jalan ke tempat rekreasi nya yahh.. Tadinya bokap mau parkir disitu juga, tapi berhubung cuaca yang zuper panaz tadi males jugaaaa jalan dari tempat parkir.

Akhirnya bokap trus nyetir, sampe di ujung tuh keliatan danau dan tempat2 makanan.
yap.. CUMA DANAU BIASA DAN TEMPAT2 MAKANAN. nothing special............AT ALL.
Cuma danau gede biasa dan di sekeliling nya ada gerobak makanan. Dan makanan yang dijual itu kayak mie ayam, kerak telor,gado-gado.. eh ada 1 lagi yang special. BANYAK BENCONG ahahahaha..

Tapi nih para orang tua masih ngotot kalo ada tempat dengan view yang bagus. Sementara bokap ngotot dengan hasil google result nya, nyokap ngotot dengan kuliner selendang mayang nya. Gw ama ade gw udah bete dan milih nunduk dengan khidmat ke hape masing2 :)))

Dan ujung2nya cuma muter2 doang.. tanya petugas sana-sini tentang tempat dengan view yang bagus + es selendang mayang nya itu. Tapi tetep ga ketemu2 =))

Akhirnya karena udah bete parah dan itu udah jam 14.30 plus belom makan siang pula akhirnya bokap milih keluar dari pintu gerbang and makan di warung masakan aceh di deket-deket situ pula...hahahahaa
Kelar makan, masiiihhhh aja penasaran, kenapa ga ketemu2 tu tempat dan berniat buat masuk dan nyari lagi. HADOOOOOOO gw udah males,super bete + hp lowbatt pula. Untung ngga jadi

Alhasil, semua bayangan tentang rumah khas betawi, es selendang mayang dan lontong sayur itu tergantikan 180 derajat sama masakan aceh ahahaha GAGAL TOTAAALLLL

Twitter : @ELFishylee

Kakao ID : annisarizka

Tumblr :

line ID : elfishylee

me2day :

weibo : elfishylee43

n.b : i'm not too active post something in me2day or weibo. I just went there to monitoring about something :p but you can find me really active on my twitter and tumblr :)

Annisa Rizkawati Hakim.

I was born on Jakarta,4 March 1991.
Who loves KPOP especially Super Junior as my inspiration.
Cant live without them because SJ is my second air.

Love Book, Love Food, Love My Job as Web Designer.

Almost 24 hours on virtual world never make me become anti social.
Even i can meet a lot of new friend there.

I can be your angel if you nice to me but i can be your worst devil if you annoying.
You can follow my twitter but maybe i will not follow back you EXCEPT i know you before.
So lets talk with me and be my friend before~~ :p

I am not born from rich family..but not from poor family too.
but to get whatever i want,i cant get it from my parents..
( except for education )
so.. things like gadget, my hobby, having fun..i must get it by my self.
there's a reason why i decide to have a job :p

But its okay :)
i learn how to respect money.
i know what the meaning of sacrifice.
i know how to work hard.

Eventhough sometimes i am envy with my friends who can get anything easily from their parents..
they just said it and they can get whatever they want.

Life is different and life is not forever nice.
you must face it.
you must struggle.
you must strong and smart.

When i'm still in college, i never know that life can be creepy.
But when i'm started to enter the new evolution of my life ( working ),
i know that..Life isnt nice like in fairytale.

Being 21 years old is not enough yet to be mature..
I'm still a little drama queen :p
I always try my best for my life^^/
As long as i still breathe, i will never stop to do my best^^


Girl, I can’t explain what I feel
Oh baby my baby, baby, baby, baby yeah

haruga machi ilbunchorom neukkyojige mandeulji
nomanisseumyon yonghwasoge juin-gong
nol borodallyoganeun eksyonsinirado jjigeulgot chorom nan machi yongungi dwen gotchorom

non nege wanbyok sangsanghebwasso
hamkkeramyon ottolkka yeah
nan noman gwenchantago malhejumyon modu wanbyokhe oh baby

I lost my mind noreul choeummannasseultte
no hanappego modeun-goseun get in slow motion
nege mar-hejwo ige sarangiramyon

meil geudewa sumaneun gamjongdeureul-lanwojugo bewogamyo
ssaugo ulgo anajugo
nege mar-hejwo ige sarangiramyon

sesangnamjadeul modu nalburowohe
noreul gajin nega jiltuna jukgennabwa
hega gado dari gado jolde anbyonhe
nan bogiboda ujikhage mideullamjaraneun-gol
non algedweltenikka

I don’t know why joldejogin igamjong
nega senggakjocha hesseulkka
ne gyote isseultte nan jomjom dedanhan namjaga dwedo bitnaneun gol

I lost my mind noreul choeummannasseultte
no hanappego modeun-goseun get in slow motion
nege mar-hejwo ige sarangiramyon

meil geudewa sumaneun gamjongdeureul-lanwojugo bewogamyo
ssaugo ulgo anajugo
nege mar-hejwo ige sarangiramyon

ganjor-hi barago barandamyon
i-rwojilkka donghwayegichorom
yongwonhan dulmane happy ending happily ever after
namaneun nol midojugo jikyojugo dallejulkke
nipyoni dwelkke
nigyoteso jolde anttona

I lost my mind noreul choeummannasseultte
no hanappego modeun-goseun get in slow motion
nege mar-hejwo ige sarangiramyon

meil geudewa sumaneun gamjongdeureul-lanwojugo bewogamyo
ssaugo ulgo anajugo
nege mar-hejwo ige sarangiramyon

sesangnamjadeul modu nalburowohe
noreul gajin nega jiltuna jukgennabwa
My babe, baby babe, baby baby
nolaraboneun-gol ige sarangin-gol
aichorom nol jaju utgemandeulgo
chingguchorom nol gajang pyonhage mandeulkkoya
My babe, baby babe, baby baby
mar-hejwo nege what is love


Girl, I can’t explain what I feel.
Oh baby my baby, baby, baby, baby.. yeah.

Making a day feel like a minute
With you, I’m the main character of a movie
As if I’m about to film an action scene to come see you, as if I’ve become a hero

You’re perfect to me, I imagined
How would it be if we were together?
If only you say okay, everything is perfect, oh baby

* I lost my mind, the moment I saw you
Except you, everything get in slow montion
Tell me, if this is love
Sharing and learning countless emotions everyday with you Fighting, crying and hugging
Tell me, if this is love

All the guys in the world are jealous of me
They must be jealous to death of me, for having you
Even after the sun goes down and moon goes down, it will never change
You will find out that I’m a guy whom you can trust

I don’t know why, this unconditional emotion
Did I ever imagine?
Next to me, your shine more brightly as I become a better guy

* I lost my mind, the moment I saw you
Except you, everything get in slow montion
Tell me, if this is love
Sharing and learning countless emotions everyday with you Fighting, crying and hugging
Tell me, if this is love

If you wish and wish earnestly
Will it come true, like the fairytales?
A never-ending happy ending, happily ever after
I will trust you, protect you and comfort you
I will be on your side
I will never leave your side

* I lost my mind, the moment I saw you
Except you, everything get in slow montion
Tell me, if this is love
Sharing and learning countless emotions everyday with you Fighting, crying and hugging
Tell me, if this is love

All the guys in the world are jealous of me
They must be jealous to death of me, for having you
My babe, baby babe, baby baby
I can tell, this is love I will make you smile often like a child
I will make you feel the most comfortable, like a friend
My babe, baby babe, baby baby
Tell me, what is love

*OMG >3< I love the lyric so fucking muchhhhhhh ><

Super Junior will comeback around july-august.

That means, 6jib + Super Show 5.
That means, money again.
That means, i must spend again for them.
That means, bankrupt!!!

OTL... i have promises to my self that the SS4 is the last for me.

Different from my promise, i make a plan to watch Super Show in THAILAND.
ahahaa crazy...

And i'm wondering, how much money to go there? ;_________;
is it around 5 million?? ( orz i can buy samsung galaxy S3 with that amount of money!!! )

But yeah, you guys know i love Super Junior more XD
lets see what happen next..
am i able to see them on thailand? or still stuck here ..hahaha

"A Thousand Years"

Heart beats fast
Colors and promises
How to be brave
How can I love when I'm afraid to fall
But watching you stand alone
All of my doubt suddenly goes away somehow

One step closer

I have died everyday waiting for you
Darling don't be afraid I have loved you
For a thousand years
I'll love you for a thousand more

Time stands still
Beauty in all she is
I will be brave
I will not let anything take away
What's standing in front of me
Every breath
Every hour has come to this

One step closer

I have died everyday waiting for you
Darling don't be afraid I have loved you
For a thousand years
I'll love you for a thousand more

And all along I believed I would find you
Time has brought your heart to me
I have loved you for a thousand years
I'll love you for a thousand more

One step closer
One step closer

I have died everyday waiting for you
Darling don't be afraid I have loved you
For a thousand years
I'll love you for a thousand more

And all along I believed I would find you
Time has brought your heart to me
I have loved you for a thousand years
I'll love you for a thousand more

===== Hangul + Romanization ======

Let it snow, Let it snow
dagawa anajwo naege dorawajwo
Let it snow, Let it snow
nan dasi jamdeureo kkumeseo gidaryeo neol

haengbokhaetdeon neowaui sigani dasi ol sun eomneunji
(너돌아올수없는지, 널내게줄수없는지)
(neo doraol su eomneunji, neol naege jul su eomneunji)
I don‘t know why I‘m doing this
You‘re ma sweetie, girl, ma lady
차가워진날안아줘 my love
chagawojin nal anajwo my love

neoui ipsureul neoui kiseureul barae
너의사랑를원해 (네사랑을원해)
neoui sarangneul wonhae (ne sarangeul wonhae)
너의진심을바래 (네진심을바래)
neoui jinsimeul barae (ne jinsimeul barae)
oneul bam neoreul wonhae
neoui jeonbureul neoui modeun geol wonhae
(baby love you girl, baby love you girl)

Let it snow, Let it snow
neoege dagaga dasi soneul jaba
Let it snow, Let it snow
nan dasi tteollyeowa geuttaero doraga

sojunghaetdeon neowaui siganeul dasi jul sun eomneunji
(다시너올순없는지, 널갖을수는없는지)
(dasi neo ol sun eomneunji, neol gajeul suneun eomneunji)
I don‘t know why I‘m doing this
You‘re ma sweetie, girl, ma lady
다시내게로돌아와 my baby
dasi naegero dorawa my baby

neoui ipsureul neoui kiseureul barae
너의사랑을원해 (네사랑을원해)
neoui sarangeul wonhae (ne sarangeul wonhae)
너의진심을바래 (네진심을바래)
neoui jinsimeul barae (ne jinsimeul barae)
oneul bam neoreul wonhae
neoui jeonbureul neoui modeun geol wonhae
(baby love you girl, baby love you girl)

nuni oneun oneuldo i goseseo
네가오길나는기다려, 다시너웃으며올것같아서
nega ogil naneun gidaryeo, dasi neo useumyeo ol geot gataseo
hoksi an ondedo naneun yeogi isseulge
Baby love you girl, baby love you girl
Baby love you girl

Let it snow
Let it snow
Let it snow

===== English Translation =====

Let it snow, Let it snow
Come to me, come back to me
Let it snow, Let it snow
I go back to sleep again, I wait for you in my dreams

Can’t the happy times between us come back to us again
(Can’t you come back, can’t you give yourself to me)
I don`t know why I`m doing this
You`re ma sweetie, girl, ma lady
Hug my coldness my love

I want your lips, your kiss
I want your love (Your love)
I want your honesty (Your honesty)
Tonight, I want you again
All of my all wants all of you
(baby love you girl, baby love you girl)

Let it snow, Let it snow
I come to you, I hold your hands again
Let it snow, Let it snow
I start to shake again, I go back to those times

The precious times between us, can you return those times back to me?
(Can’t you come back to me again, can’t I have you?)
I don`t know why I`m doing this
You`re ma sweetie, girl, ma lady
Come back to me again my baby

I want your lips, your kiss
I want your love (Your love)
I want your honesty (Your honesty)
Tonight, I want you again
All of my all wants all of you
(baby love you girl, baby love you girl)

At this place where the snow falls
I wait for you to come, because I think that you are going to come back to me with a smile
Even if you say that you won’t return I will be here
Baby love you girl, baby love you girl
Baby love you girl

Let it snow
Let it snow
Let it snow

Sir, I'm a bit nervous
About being here today
Still not real sure what I'm going to say
So bare with me please
If I take up too much of your time.
See in this box is a ring for your oldest.
She's my everything and all that I know is
It would be such a relief if I knew that we were on the same side
Cause very soon I'm hoping that I...

Can marry your daughter
And make her my wife
I want her to be the only girl that I love for the rest of my life
And give her the best of me 'til the day that I die, yeah
I'm gonna marry your princess
And make her my queen
She'll be the most beautiful bride that I've ever seen
I can't wait to smile
When she walks down the aisle
On the arm of her father
On the day that I marry your daughter

She's been here every step
Since the day that we met
(I'm scared to death to think of what would happen if she ever left)
So don't you ever worry about me ever treating her bad
I've got most of my vows done so far
(So bring on the better or worse)
And 'til death do us part
There's no doubt in my mind
It's time
I'm ready to start
I swear to you with all of my heart...

I'm gonna marry your daughter
And make her my wife
I want her to be the only girl that I love for the rest of my life
And give her the best of me 'til the day that I die, yeah
I'm gonna marry your princess
And make her my queen
She'll be the most beautiful bride that I've ever seen
I can't wait to smile
As she walks down the aisle
On the arm of her father
On the day that I marry your daughter

The first time I saw her
I swear I knew that I'd say I do

I'm gonna marry your daughter
And make her my wife
I want her to be the only girl that I love for the rest of my life
And give her the best of me 'till the day that I die
I'm gonna marry your princess
And make her my queen
She'll be the most beautiful bride that I've ever seen
I can't wait to smile
As she walks down the aisle
On the arm of her father
On the day that I marry your daughter

Okay.. what a beautiful lyrics..
I didnt know the song before. But last night my friend post it on twitter.
And first though come to my mind is...
"What if my bias sing it in front of me and my father"
hahahah.. delusional fangirl is forever delusional.
But after all delusional thing, suddenly i want have a BF hahaha.
*blame that song lyric*

I think its cool if someday i take a break from this fangirl life thingy and go find a real man for my real life ( even not now hahaha ).

But yeah..someday..someday i will :)


Do anything for meet them..

Spend so much money to see their face eventhough the never realize ourselves..

Spend so much money for buy their album eventhough the albums will end up just for memories in the future..

Talk about them allllllll the time with other crazy fangirl ;)..
Sometimes feel hurts when see their relationship with a girl and still believe that just for acting or business or etc..

Brain is full with them..Maybe not 100% but yeah... only 99.5 %..

I dont get it why i must trapped in this kind of life.
Regret it? ITS TOO LATE.
i've spend so much money, tears, anything... for them
Just enjoy and continue this ^^;


What should i buy??
LG Optimus White Version or Samsung Galaxy Wonder??
The price is same.. around 2.9 Million IDR..
After search some review,its like LG Optimus is more better than Samsung Galaxy W.
Look at the screen,LG Optimus have a bigger screen than Galaxy W.
Reminds me of iPhone. LOL XDD
About the OS, I heard Android Ice Cream will come to LG Optimus around middle of this year.. And Samsung Galaxy W still with Gingerbread..

But.... I confused about the "BRAND"
Lol you know what i mean right?
"LG" and "Samsung"
But if i buy LG Optimus,i can get SJ's photobook ahahaa..
Yep Super Junior is LG Brand Ambassador :D

AAAAAA ottookkeeee ottookeee..
I want buy a new phone with no regret..
But if i have more money, sure i will buy Samsung Galaxy Note! ahaha..

Lets see what will i choose :p


ahahaha agak lebay sih judul nya. Tapi gimana lagi.. kata itu kok yang pas buat di deskripsiin ke orang yang akan gw tulis di postingan gw sekarang.

Bapak dosen ku, Pak Inzan Ardiansyah :D
ehehee Dosen Web Design gw pas masih di PDC dulu..

Buat yang belom terlalu deket sama dia, pasti ngira dia orang nya kaku. Kalo udah deket mah.... lenturrr se lentur2 nya wakaka apa sih.
Gw lumayan deket sama dia.. Nggak gw doang sih, ada beberapa anak-anak lain yang juga deket ama si Bapak satu ini^^

Gw ngerasain banget di kasih ilmu secara baik dan benar ama beliau.
Dari yang, tugas gw sering ga di acc karena belom perfect.. bolak balik revisi sana-sini.
Dan yang akhirnya gw sadar kalo tujuan dari itu semua buat ngehasilin sesuatu yang perfect dan nggak asal jadi^^

Yang gw kagumin dari Bapak ini adalah, cara dia menyampaikan suatu pelajaran itu enaaaaaak banget. Dan cara dia meng kritik hasil karya anak-anak nya itu disampein dengan enak juga.
Hmmm itu sih oponi gw yah. Ngga tau deh temen-temen kampus gw yang lain ahaha.
Yang pasti sih dia kalo kasih opini / kritik ke gw selalu disampein dengan enak.

Gw juga suka minta nasihat ke dia. Nggak cuma di bidang mata kuliah kampus.. Inget banget waktu gw masih galau mau nerusin kuliah S1 lagi atau kerja, gw minta pendapat ke dia. Gw masih nge save loh copy an chat nya dari YM hahahaha.Saking gw amaze nya ama pendapat si Bapak pas itu hehehe..

Gw suka sih sama orang yang bisa kasih gw nasihat dan motivasi, apapun itu bentuk nya pasti bakal gw simpen. Ntah gw copy paste ke notepad ( kalau itu YM ) atau gw screen capture ( kalau itu berupa chat bbm / mention twitter ) :)

Dan yang paling terakhir gw sharing ke dia itu minggu kemaren..soal kerjaan..
Di saat gw lagi buntu bangettt dan ga ada satu pun orang kantor yang bisa di mintai pendapat, gw minta pendapat ke dia. Dan ternyata masih sama kayak dulu :D pendapat beliau emang paling the best..ahaha. Saking seneng nya gw ampe muji2 di twitter. hahaha bodo amat deh dia baca atau ngga XDD
itu kan pujian. bukan hinaan..buat apa malu kalopun dibaca^^

Gw doain banget deh beliau bakal sukses ke sana-sana nya. Gw yakin sih hidup dia bakalan sukses.. Soalnya dia juga suka kasih semangat dan motivasi yang bikin anak-anak nya hidup sukses^^.


Its not "watching a concert" but "how to reach your dream"

Its not "watching a concert" but "gathering with people in the world who have same feeling with you"

Its not "watching a concert" but "make a greatest moment in your life"

Its not "watching a concert" but "meet someone special in your life

Its not "watching a concert" but "make a endless moment"

No one can understand fangirl's life... its too complicated and hard to understand

Gyeouri gago bomi chajaojyo urin shideulko
Keurieum soege mami meongdeureotjyo

(I’m singing my blues) paran nunmure paran seulpeume gildeulyeojyeo
(I’m singing my blues) tteunkureume nallyeobonaen sarang oh oh

Gateun haneul dareun gos neowahna wiiheomhanikka neo-ye-geseo tteonajuneun
Nimiran geuljae jeomhana bikeobhajiman naega monna sumneun geoya
Janinhan ibyeoreun sarangye (mallo)
keu eotteonmaldo wiiro twehl suneun eoptdago
Ama nae insaengye majimag mello magi naeryeo oneyo ije

Taeyeonaseo neol mannago jugeul mankeum saranghago
Parahke muldeureo shirin nae maeum nuneul kamado neol neukgil su eoptjanha

Gyeouri gago bomi chajaojyo urin shideulko
Keurieum soge mami meongdeureotjyo

(I’m singing my blues) paran nunmure paran seulpeume gildeulyeojyeo
(I’m singing my blues) tteunkureume nallyeobonaen sarang oh oh
[ Lyrics from: ]
Shimjangi meojeun geot man gata jeonjaengi kkeunnago keu kose eoreo buteun
Nae meorissok saekyeojin trauma i nunmul mareumyeon chokchokhi giyeokhari
nae sarang
Kwehrobjido wehrobjido anha haengbogeun da honjanmal keu isange bokjabhan
geon mot chama
Daesurobji amureohjido anha byeolsueomneun banghwang saramdeureun wahtda

Taeyeonaseo neol manna-go jugeul mankeum saranghago
Parahke muldeureo shirin nae maeum neoneun tteonado nan geudaero itjanha

Gyeouri kago bomi chajaojyo urin shideul-ko
Keurieum soge mami meongdeureotjyo

Oneuldo paran jeo talbitaraeye na hollo chami deulketjyo
Kkumso-geseodo nan geudaereul chaja hemae-imyeo i noraereul bulleoyo

(I’m singing my blues) paran nunmure paran seulpeume gildeulyeojyeo
(I’m singing my blues) tteunkureume nallyeobonaen sarang
(I’m singing my blues) paran nunmure paran seulpeume gildeulyeojyeo
(I’m singing my blues) tteunkureume nallyeobonaen sarang oh oh


The winter had passed
And the spring has come
We have withered
And our hearts are bruised from longing

(I’m singing my blues)
Used to the blue tears, blue sorrow
(I’m singing my blues)
The love that I have sent away with the floating clouds, oh oh

Under the same sky, at different places
Because you and I are dangerous
I am leaving you
One letter difference from ‘nim’^
It’s cowardly but I’m hiding because I’m not good enough
Cruel breakup is like the end of the road of love
No words can comfort me
Perhaps my lifetime’s last melodrama
Now its final curtain is coming down

I was born and I met you
And I have loved you to death
My cold heart that has been dyed blue
Even with my eyes closed, I can’t feel you

The winter had passed
And the spring has come
We have withered
And our hearts are bruised from longing

(I’m singing my blues)
Used to the blue tears, blue sorrow
(I’m singing my blues)
The love that I have sent away with the floating clouds, oh oh

I feel like my heart has stopped beating
You and I, frozen there, after a war
Trauma, that has been carved in my head
Once these tears dry up, I will moistly remember my love
I’m neither painful nor lonely
Happiness is all self-talk
I can’t stand something more complicated
It’s no big deal, I don’t care
Inevitable wandering, people come and go

I was born and I met you
And I have loved you to death
My cold heart that has been dyed blue
Even if you have left, I’m still here

The winter had passed
And the spring has come
We have withered
And our hearts are bruised from longing

Again tonight, underneath that blue moonlight
I will probably fall asleep alone
Even in my dreams, I look for you
And wander around while singing this song

(I’m singing my blues)
Used to the blue tears, blue sorrow
(I’m singing my blues)
The love that I have sent away with the floating clouds, oh oh (x2)

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